All is One.
The One itself is everything.
All things themselves are One.
-Taisen Deshimaru
The cosmos is one living organism.
Everything above and below is one unity.
-Ba'al Shem Tov
The material and spiritual are but two parts
of one universe and one truth.
Oneness and multiplicity
are poles of the same reality.
-Aurobindo Ghose
The drop poured in the ocean is the ocean...
All is one and one is all in all.
-Meister Eckhart
The wave and the sea are One.
Experience the depth of all things.
-Zen Saying
Consciousness is One;
its manifestations are many.
-R. Vaughan Adams
All life is one.
Differences are superficial.
They are only in the outer; they are only in the body.
But one great common Consciousness
dwells as the Reality within all names and forms,
with all creatures, not only all human beings, in all creatures.
What I mean by the Principle of Oneness is this:
That we must learn to realize
that there's nothing separate or apart.
That everything is part of everything else.
-Eden Ahbez
In this circle of existence
everything, really, is one and the same.
-Ghayrat Nayini
All is truly one in the one dance of motion.
-Constantin Brunner
All things are wrapped
in the dynamic One.
-Aurobindo Ghose

It is enough for the lover
that he should make the One single.
-Mansur al-Hallaj

I am the One I love and that One is me....
far from me the thought of the two.
-Mansur al-Hallaj

The pure man unites two in one;
the lover unites three in one.

We cannot conceive of unity
without the ingredient of multiplicity.
-Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet
Oneness experiences itself through multiplicity.
-Almine Barton
The Many are the innumerable One,
The One carries the multitude in his breast.
-Aurobindo Ghose
From the standpoint of spirit there is always One,
from that of matter there are always many.
-Annie Besant
All is one Being, one consciousness
one even in infinite multiplicity.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Whatever the gradations by which the One becomes the Many,
by those same gradations the many have to become the One.
-Nilakantha Sri Ram
Reality is one,
properties differ.
-Fakhruddin Iraqi
The essence one,
but the attributes many.
-Ibn Muhammad Hadi Ridi Quli Hidayat
The Sun's shining essence is always just one;
but its rays spread out and show it as many.
-Ibn Muhammad Hadi Ridi Quli Hidayat
The mind is like a prism.
It divides one thing into many.
The truth is one.
-Chandrra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
What are "I" and "You"?
Just lattices
In the niches of a lamp
Through which the One Light radiates.
-Mahmud Shabistari
The One is the warp and weft of creation.
All existence depends on the One
Just as the existence of the cloth
Rests on its woven threads.
-The Uddahava Gita
Don't dream this thread is double-ply:
root and branch are but One.
-Fakhruddin Iraqi
One thread, one thread only!
Warp and woof, quill and shuttle,
countless cloths and colors,
a thousand hanks and skeins --
with ten thousand names ten thousand places.
But there is one thread only.
-Bulleh Shah
The truth is that everything is One,
and this of course is not a numerical one.
-Philip Kapleau
"One" is the fountainhead of all numbers:
each split second wells up a new perplexity.
-Fakhruddin Iraqi
We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles.
Meantime within man is the soul of the whole;
the wise silence; the universal beauty,
to which every part and particle are equally related;
the eternal One.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When the mind slows down, then space expands.
When the mind is still, space is just everywhere.
It is an all-pervasive Reality.
There is no sense of one thing here
and another thing there;
it is just a continuum of Oneness.
-Imre Vallyon
We must understand the meaning of "The Oneness'
and merge our physical and mental ideas
with the spiritual idea of the soul.
-Edgar Cayce
The moment a person realizes his oneness with the Infinite Spirit
he recognizes himself as a spiritual being
and no longer a physical, material being.
-Ralph Waldo Trine
Unify all of creation in your consciousness
with the simple recognition of the fundamental unity of being:
In the Infinite Mind, all are one.
-Carleton Whitehead
You are one with everything.
that is more true than I can say,
and more true than you can hear.
-Shunryu Sukuki
If you split yourself or the Universe
into different compartments,
then you are dropping out of that Original Unity.
-Imre Vallyon
Behold the One in all things.
It is the second that leads you astray.
As long as you remain in one extreme or the other,
you will never know Oneness.
-Seng T'san
You will never make Oneness out of Otherness
until you yourself have become Oneness.
-Gerhard Dorn

Today and the day before yesterday, yesterday and tomorrow
all are one.
You too: become One!
-Fakhruddin Iraqi

Possession in oneness
and not loss in oneness is the secret.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Oneness is experienced from within.
Oneness lives within.
-Iris Bellhayes
That which is in the heart and in the sun -
the inner Self and the world's golden eye -
Though seemingly different are really one.
-Claude Bragdon
You see oneness
because you see from oneness.
-Cynthia Bourgeault
Think of It, speak of It,
enlighten one another with It;
this is full devotion to the idea of Oneness.
-Panchadsi Upanishad
When the shadow goes, we are one.
The whole scattered world of lowered things
is gathered up to oneness
when the soul climbs up to that life
in which there are no opposites.
-Meister Eckhart
There is nothing ordinary under the sun.
All is sacred.
All is one.
-John Squadra
How sweet is the oneness -
unearth the treasure of Unity.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
Divine Oneness
is like being in sunshine.
-Sahabi Astarabadi
In the Oneness underlying Multiplicity,
the countless contradictions of life are reconciled.
-Carolyn Kleefeld
When the Many are reduced to One,
to what is the One reduced?
-Zen Koan
When you are identified with the One,
all things will be complete to you.
Then the world of variety
is no longer variety to him but unity;
it is one.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
A thousand aspects pointed back to the One.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Where shall he have grief,
how shall he be deluded,
who sees everywhere the Oneness?
-Isha Upanishad
All is one in the One, when two returns to One,
It has essentially a single one become.
-Angelus Silesius
Not one, divided into two, not two united in one:
The second I, so that I may be conscious of myself.
-Czeslaw Milosz
I consider myself second to none
since I have realized in myself the One alone.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
All is one,
one is none,
none is all.
-Zen Algorithm
Oneness is the secret of everything.
We are all,
in our consciousness,
-Joseph Campbell
Truth is one, God is one, life is one.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing nothing less then everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of things shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.
-T. S. Eliot